Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Not so good....

Yeah, not so good at all. The ice is pretty, but not that pretty. I went outside to take pictures of the beauty, when all of the sudden I hear a big crashing sound and notice the tree is about to land on Carless! I yell and he ducks, luckily he is fine...the truck not so much.

As you can see here our good friend and neighbor, Darold came over to help move the tree from the top of our truck. What a nice guy.

Carless and Darold, investigating the damage

Poor truck, it looks so sad. Notice the trees hanging over our house in the background...yicks!


Kat said...

WOW! Holy Cow! Danny has told me about the ice storms out there...but I've never seen pictures like this firsthand.....I've got to admit, it is really beautiful though. Easy for me to say though right? A tree didn't fall on my nice truck!:) Is that your house in the background? So cute!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Chelsea
What a wonderful page! You are and have always been, a truly beautiful girl. I Love you, Sherry Kay