Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yep, thats what we woke up to this morning. Needless to say, school is cancelled. It really is beautiful though, how perfectly the ice covers everything. Every once in a while you will hear a big cracking sound, another tree breaking apart and falling. Lets just hope the tree hanging over our house stays put! For now, we still have electricity. Thank God. A big spruce broke in half and fell into our back yard, crushing our fence. Carless and I ventured out there to try and save our fence. Carless grabbed his saw and I bundled up and headed for the tree. Piece by piece we cut it up and threw it back over the fence. Our fence on the other hand is officially bent, but we will survive. Really the smell of the spruce was amazing, smelled like Christmas. Don't you just love winter weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great picture and yes i love the winter weather. we should be getting 8 inches of snow after this storm goes through.....